Dr. Raghava Reddy Kethiri, Ph.D
Chief Executive Officer
- Email : [email protected]
Since then he has held various senior positions in academia & pharmaceutical industry in Germany and India and worked on several drug discovery projects including integrated with various large-/mid-sized pharma’s along with small biotech and virtual companies and has taken compounds from target to clinic and delivered several optimized leads across diverse therapeutic areas viz., Oncology, Pain & CNS, MD and Antibacterial. Co-inventor two Clinical Candidates ASN-001 (NCT 02349139) for Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer for Phase1/2 clinical trials and ASN-007 (NCT 03415126) for metastatic KRAS, NRAS and HRAS mutated solid tumors out licensed to Erasca ERAS-007 (NCT 05039177) for currently in Phase1b/2, studies for an Advanced Gastrointestinal Malignancies. Further two projects are currently at the PCC nomination IND enabling studies.
Raghava is a Co-inventor / co-author of more than 60 research publications, patents, invited review articles, perspectives and book chapters. He is a member of several active chemical societies and reviewer of peer reviewed journals and committees. Strong intercultural leadership skills managing Investments and international multidisciplinary project teams across various geographical regions.
Since May 2023, he is the Co-Founder & CEO of ARYASTHA Life Sciences . Prior to this he was associated with LAXAI Life Sciences as Chief Scientific Officer and Board of Directors, Jubilant Biosys., Bangalore, India, Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, IIT Kanpur and NEHU, Shillong, India.